GoPablo is a static site generator with a modern development workflow, integrated web server, auto-reload, CSS preprocessors, and ES6 ready. Generates optimized distribution files ready to be deployed.
Get Started// Step 1: Create a directory for the new website and from there
// initialize GoPablo to generate the file structure *
$ npx gopablo
// Step 2: Run development environment
$ npm run dev
// Step 3: Generate distribution files
$ npm run prod
// * GoPablo requires Node v12+.
A development server for your website out of the box.
Watches for all your changes and reloads in real-time.
Preprocessors: PostCSS or Sass with source maps.
Create HTML templates with partials that repeat, avoid redundancy.
Cache-Busting is a way for updates to still happen when using web caching.
Minify HTML, CSS and JS. Purge unused css and image compression.